Photon ASCII files (.pha) have a header that describes their content (see example below). For grids created in the SeisWare software product, "MinX" and "MinY" define the lower-left corner of the grid in map units (usually meters), whereas "IncrementX" and "IncrementY" define the grid-cell size (also meters). "Points [ N ]" is the total number of points included (nulls are typically left out of the file for compactness). Grid values are given in meters. To convert to XY, add the product of Row and IncrementX to MinX to get X, and add the product of Column and IncrementY to MinY to get Y. For the project used in this work (Putzig et al. 2009), the projection used is polar stereographic, centered on the north pole, and defined by an ellipsoid with a semi-major axis of 3396000 m and a semi-minor axis of 3376000 m. Example of a Photon ASCII header: # struct Grid { Name MinX IncrementX MinY IncrementY RMSError NullValue Rows Columns Points[ N ] { Value Row Column } } Grid "C thickness (Putzig et al. 2009)" -904734.710275 2688.181794 -902590.799342 2689.813666 0.000000 1.701410e+038 672 674 108211 3.000489 477 316 3.001465 215 505 ... Reference: Putzig, N. E., Phillips, R. J., Campbell, B. A., Holt, J. W., Plaut, J. J., Carter, L. M., Egan, A. F., Bernardini, F., Safaeinili, A., Seu, R., 2009. Subsurface structure of Planum Boreum from Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Shallow Radar soundings. Icarus 204, 443-457, doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2009.07.034.